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Opening hours

Mon - Sat : 10:00 - 17:00 hrs
(Except holidays)

Outpatient Services

General and Specialty OP Services

Our experienced general surgeons and medical professionals will work with you and your primary care physician to diagnose your condition and develop a treatment plan customized to your needs. The general surgery department provides a full range of elective and emergency services for patients. Surgery for common surgical conditions such as skin lesions, hernias of all types and gallstone disease.

District Cancer Care Unit

The centre focuses mainly on the early detection of cancer, and provides awareness to the public regarding cancer prevention and early detection. Cytological and histo-pathological techniques are used to detect early cancers amongst patients referred from other hospitals or those reporting voluntarily.

District Daycare Centre for Hemoglobinopathies

Haemophilia is a hereditary, sex-linked blood defect occurring almost exclusively in males that are marked by delayed clotting of the blood with prolonged or excessive internal or external bleeding after injury or surgery and in severe cases spontaneous bleeding into joints and muscles and that is caused by a deficiency of clotting factors. The dreaded disease known as haemophilia is the result of an inherited gene, and almost always strikes boys rather than girls (though mothers may pass the gene to their sons). Since the blood lacks an ingredient that causes it to clot or coagulates when a blood vessel breaks, even a minor wound can cause a haemophiliac to bleed to death if not treated. Bleeding can be particularly dangerous when it’s entirely internal, with no visible wound, since the person may not be aware it’s happening.

Psychiatric Counselling and IQ Assessment

Psychological testing is both cognitive and IQ testing. It can help you and your therapist quantify your cognitive emotional strengths and weaknesses to better target your areas of self-improvement and areas in need of support. Testing is not therapy. It is, however, an opportunity to sit down with a licensed psychologist and take standardized measures to determine symptoms of cognitive or personality dysfunction or deficit. It helps you understand yourself more.

X-ray services

X-ray is usually use to examine different parts of the body such as chest, pelvis, bone and abdomen for injuries, infection or abnormalities. It is a common type of medical imaging that produces images of the structures inside your body as X-ray beams penetrates through it. Dense materials, such as bone and metal, will appear as white on X-rays while Soft materials such as fat and muscle will show up as darker images on the film.

Immunization services

The purpose of evaluating immunization programs is to measure progress made toward predetermined objectives. These objectives include access, immunization delivery, coverage, and disease reduction.